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Lovescare is an emotive post-hardcore band from Minnesota. They've described their sound as explosive and energetic. Sully is on guitar/bass/vocals, and Ben plays drums and does some vocals. Like many bands in this corner of music, the instrumentation dips from soft to hard.
lovescare lovescare
This interview was conducted in November 2023.

1. You guys recently put together a demo CD, can you tell us a little about the writing and recording process for those songs?

SullyWe’ve honestly been sitting on these songs for a very long time, 8-9 months probably at this point. Each song on the demo has been reworked many many times to get to the version thats recorded, 3 of the songs plotting, taunting, & swimming were originally supposed to be released together as a 3 song ep but we made leaven & apathy and enjoyed them so much we decided to add them to the tracklist. We recorded those 3 songs at the linus rehearsal space with Jack Owen who also mixed and mastered the tracks!

Ben3 of the songs on the demo (Swimming, Taunting and Plotting) were recorded in the Linus studio/practice space. The rest were recorded in my basement and mixed by Sully. The recording process pretty much just goes, I record drums and then Sully does everything else. I’m pretty much there for moral support.

2. What have you got in the works?

SullyOur demo ep should be out on streaming platforms next month in December, we just have to figure out Distrokid. We are finished with our song for our 4 way split with Mold, Linus, & Shopvac rumored to come out in January. Otherwise we’re just going to keep creating & working on new things, we have another new song written that will not be on the demo or split

BenWe are recording and writing all the time. We’re able to practice at school so we’re always cooking and Sully can always bring a fat riff to the table.

3. You’ve described yourself as “Screaming Emotive Post-hardcore” on Instagram, which bands do you feel have been the most influential to this niche of music?

SullyMe personally i got into emo & post hardcore music because of skateboarding. My local skateshop did a Sunny Day Real Estate hoodie & i later found the song seven & fell in love with that kind of music since. My biggest influences would definitely be Indian Summer, Calm, Mohinder, Native Nod, I hate myself, & Hum. Newer influences though i would definitely say Valeska, HLBD, Knumears, & Linus.

BenKnumears, Catalyst, Indian Summer, Mineral and Her love beheads Daises.

4. You’ve played a handful of shows with Linus, Mold, and Shopvac. Does having friends and connections in other bands motivate you to create music and perform?

SullyAbsolutely, Jack & all of the guys from Linus have been an immense help & crutch for us being young & trying to get the hang of doing music somewhat professionally. I love all of those guys from the bottom of my heart, the kindest & best people around; if it wasnt for them we probably wouldn’t be as well rounded as a band to be honest. We owe a lot of that to Jack, he’s just been the greatest friend to look up to, especially doing all of this music stuff.

BenYes 100% it does. We’ve also made some pretty cool friendships.

5. What do you hope people get out of your music?

SullyI hope people relate & simply have fun. I hope we can provide songs to help people feel heard & understood. The thing I want most is for people to get familiar with it & sing along and stuff, its such a great feeling when people enjoy the personal & passionate art you create, extremely satisfying. Music is really a great thing because after I’m well dead and gone all of this work will be left for people to discover or never hear again, but I’ll still be out there.

BenI hope that people can bump our shit in the car but can also cry and let their emotions out when they need to.

6. How’d you describe your perfect DIY venue in two sentences or less?

SullyA large dingy concrete basement with the walls painted by multitudes of artists & shit. No stage!!!!

BenA basement show where the stage is wider than long because then everyone can see you. And also the have the drums Mic’d up.

Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions! If you have anything else you want to add tack it on here

SullyThanks to Ryan for reaching out & conducting all of these questions! Great questions had a really fun time filling these out during my lousy school day. Stay tuned for more music & the announcement of the split. Stop saying skramz

Life in Me Was You (2023)

Life in Me Was You (Demo) (2023)

lovescare · LifeinMewasYoudemo